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Skin, Nails and Hair Formula

Skin, Nails and Hair Formula

kr 289,00Pris
kr 289,00
kr 289,00hver måned frem til avbestilling
  • Den naturlige partner i ditt daglige skjønnhetsregime

  • Et unikt, premium kompleks designet for å støtte produksjon av kollagen - et av hudens viktigste stoffer for å opprettholde struktur og elastisitet.

  • Inneholder essensielle skjønnhetsmineraler som sink, kobber og C-vitamin.

  • Beskytter mot skade fra frie radikaler

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    Yoga for Emotional Balance


    Sit cross-legged with spine straight. Rest left hand on left knee, with tips of the thumb and index finger touching. Close eyes and block right nostril with right thumb, leaving the rest of the fingers straight up. Inhale deeply through left nostril. When breath is full, extend right pinky over to block left nostril, then release thumb and exhale through right nostril. When breath is completely exhaled, repeat the cycle, inhaling through left nostril only, exhaling through the right. Continue for 11 minutes. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

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